Jenny Lane
Woodford, Stockport
Rear extension and side dormer to a detached house in the Green Belt. The proposed additions have been carefully considered so that they are sympathetic to the existing house and the surrounding Green Belt context.
The rear extension comprises two volumes. The hipped roof form is vaulted internally with a lantern over the kitchen and dining space, to bring natural light deep into the plan. The low pitched roof will be finished in pigmented zinc to compliment the tiles to the existing house. The overall form responds to the characterful roof of the existing house and its dramatic asymmetric quality.
The snug is a more intimate space, sunken with a flat roof over. It is also differentiated in materiality, clad in black timber referencing existing details to the front of the house. The two forms are stitched together with a brick chimney forming a feature stove internally for the two interconnected spaces.
The proposed roof form is articulated to respect the character of primary window openings, and has been lowered to a flat section beneath the large window to the stair landing. (The existing windows to the rear appear to be almost random in their arrangement lending an interesting and charming architectural quality which the proposal seeks to preserve).
New openings to the extension are oriented to maximise views over the large garden and open out onto a west facing patio forming a connection with the guest bedroom located within the existing outbuilding.
A new side dormer is set back from the principal elevation, and its profile echoes the triangular forms of the main house to generate an elegant and distinctive form.